Marina Quiroga, a daring upper-class girl with a detective's soul, sets off to catch the serial killer that has been terrorizing her town with her faithful butler Hector's help.
Marina Quiroga, a daring upper-class girl with a detective's soul, sets off to catch the serial killer that has been terrorizing her town with her faithful butler Hector's help.
演员:肖恩·埃文斯 汤姆·哈迪 夏洛特·莱利 Kierston Wareing Margot Leicester 布莱恩·考克斯 Jane Wood Steve Nicolson 约翰·阿什顿 Megan Jossa Annette Kelly 莎拉·斯图尔特 Obi Abili Macdara Joyce 雷内·扎格 Sammy Williams Jenny Kavanagh Sam Vincenti Nicholas Day Gary Murphy